Nursing News

PNA denounces alleged ‘mouth-taping’ incident in Cebu

The Philippine Nurses Association has issued its position statement denouncing the alleged child abuse committed by a nurse in Cebu sealed tape

A parent posted in social media a photo of his 5-day-old baby allegedly sealed in the mouth with a tape for crying too loud, causing online outrage against the nurse.

Here’s the full statement of PNA Board of Governors on the incident:
PNA Position Statement on the Alleged Child Abuse Committed by a Nurse in Cebu

We, in the PNA, strongly denounce the recent report of child abuse committed by a nurse against a newborn baby in Cebu. At present, we are taking an active role in the investigation to gather
facts and information pertinent to the case through our local chapter in Cebu towards swift, fair and
just resolution of this case, mindful of the due process rights of the accused.

The PNA believes that it is now imperative among all of us especially health facilities employing health workers and/or professionals to adopt careful screening and recruitment processes in selection of their employees, staff and volunteers who would work with patients especially with infants and children.

We fully support the conduct of investigation of the circumstances to determine what led to the nurse action in handling the baby and other factors in the work environment that might have influenced this unfortunate act of the nurse.

We call on the Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing to take the necessary steps to ensure strict adherence to safe nursing practice and safeguard the honor and dignity of the profession. For the health facilities, a clear policy and procedure in handling complaints and grievance should be in place. Said procedures must be transparent and made known to the public.

For all the practicing registered nurses to adhere strictly to the provisions of the Code of Ethics for nurses as embodied in the Board of Nursing Resolution No. 220, series of 2004, specifically on their responsibility to protect the rights and privileges of patients. [via Source]

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